Saturday, November 6, 2010

Cooper's New England Martial Arts at Marlborough

September 2010 – Amistad Tournament


     On September 4, 2010, Taekwondo and MMA students of “Cooper’s New England Martial Arts” attended the “Amistad Tournament” tournament at the Boys and Girls club in Lawrence, MA.  It was a CNEMA domination as everyone did a great job and won 1st, 2nd and 3rd placements!
Everyone had a blast and did an excellent job!

Taekwondo Group:

Michael Red Dragon Kantor (Blue)  – 1st Place Forms
David Blue Dragon Kantor (Blue) – 1st Place Point sparring
Irene Red Kantor (Green) – 1st Place Forms
Roger Galvao (Green) – 1st Place Forms
Roger Galvao (Green) – 2nd Place Point sparring
Roger Galvao (Green) – 3rd Place continuous
Chrissy Ordyna (Yellow) – 1st Place Forms
Chrissy Ordyna (Yellow) – 1st Place Point Sparring
Chrissy Ordyna (Yellow) – 1st Place Continuous Sparring
                                                      Damon Amato (White) – 1st Place Point sparring
Damon Amato (White) – 2nd Place Continuous sparring
Jahziel Chase (Yellow) – 1st Place Forms
Jahziel Chase (Yellow) – 1st Place Point Sparring
Royee Mundelboim (Yellow) – 1st Place Forms
Royee Mundelboim (Yellow) – 2nd Place Point Sparring
Grappling Group:
Eduardo Fonsesca – 1st Place Grappling Grand
Eduardo Fonsesca – 1st Place Grappling
Gene – 2nd Place Grappling
William Gifford – 3rd Place Grappling
Leo Pihol – 3rd Place Grappling

Cooper's New England Martial Arts at Marlborough

   On September 4, 2010, Eduardo competed in Amistad Grappling Tournament and won 1st place.  The entire staff and students of Cooper's New England Martial Arts as well as the instructor of "Kimura" school Marcos came down to support his effort in this competition.  With Eduardo's hard work and effort and the support from students of Cooper's New England Martial Arts and Kimura, Eduardo was able to achieve 1st place in grappling. 
 This was an exciting evening for Eduardo and the entire school at Cooper's New England and Kimura was there to support him every step of the way.

Eduardo's 1st MMA Amature Cage Fight was on October 10, 2010 at the Premier FC Pavement War in Chicoppe, MA which he knocked out his opponent in first round 1:48 into the fight!!!

 With his 1st MMA Cage fight under his belt resulting a Win, Eduardo is back in training to continue to prepare for his next fight.   

Friday, August 20, 2010

Testimonials by Nate Compagnone

Nate Compagnone - August 16, 2010
I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in the summer of 2009. Everything in my life was put on hold for over 6-months as I was trying to force myself into remission. Any physical activity was practically impossible during this time. This would be the hardest part of the disease since going to the gym and training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was my passion.

Eventually, I had it in my head that I was not going to be able to train martial arts anymore and only go to the gym if I could (whenever that would be, I thought). In the winter of 2009, my doctor was able to find a medication that worked for me.
By late winter/early spring, my body was starting to heal and the 25lbs I lost in the whole ordeal were starting to come back. I knew I still wanted to train, but was unsure of how successful it would be since I have not done this intense of exercise since I was 100% healthy. I ended up looking for MMA gyms near my home and found Cooper’s Martial Arts. That night, I went and sat in on a class to check the school out. Needless to say, I liked what I saw and the next day I went for my free trial. 
MMA and Muay Thai training
I instantly felt welcome in the school. It seemed like a family in the gym, very personal and everybody was not only focused on improving their own training, but other’s training as well. Cooper, Orest and Eduardo saw that I was becoming very interested in the Muay Thai aspect of the MMA class (completely different world from my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu). They all went out of their way, and spent plenty of time doing it, to help me develop my new passion. Cooper has also opened me up to some new techniques that have greatly improved my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
I have been a member at Cooper’s Martial Arts since May 2010, my health has gotten better and my confidence in my body has grown exponentially. I did not think these activities were possible anymore, but the welcoming family environment was all I needed for the mental aspect of my continued health. I am no longer stressed out about living with Ulcerative Colitis, which in turn helps me maintain my remission. I would like to thank all of those at Cooper’s Martial Arts who have helped me through this journey. For this, I am grateful.

Nate Compagnone

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the kids are coming......

Charter School TV take a look

The students are still on summer vacation, but teachers in Worcester were busy getting classrooms ready today at the city's newest charter school.

Teachers began preparing classrooms at the Spirit of Knowledge Charter School. Reporter Kenneth Craig has more on the school that opens September 1.